Kuuga 21-25 blu ray edition (repost) was waiting to get this batch done until after the 26-37 dvd batch was done, sorry again for the delay i’ll be sure to poke our typesetter in a more timely fashion since the 26-37 dvd batch is already out in the wild. Download kamen rider kuuga blu ray. Shin kamen rider transformation blu-ray max vang loading unsubscribe from max vang? kamen rider henshin(kuuga-ghost) - duration: 6:25 wizard goku 576,210 views.
download kamen rider kuuga blu ray
Just like previous kamen rider blu-ray box sets, the series will be released in three box sets each box set cost 23,760 yen after tax the episodes containing each box set and their respective bonus content are as follows:. Amazon japan lists the kamen rider kuuga blu-ray box for pre-order. kamen rider kuuga first aired in 2000 and was the first new kamen rider series in over 10 years, coming after 1989’s kamen rider black rx. kuuga stars joe odagiri (azumi, shinobi: heart under blade) as yuusuke godai, who is the latest person to […]. Joe odagiri, along with other cast mates and staff, will be appearing on new interview bonuses filmed especially for the kamen rider kuuga blu-ray boxes sets to released next year. kamen rider kuuga first broadcast on january 30 2000, the first of the “heisei rider” period. the rider show to broadcast previously to kuuga was kamen […].