iOS 8.0 Download For iPhone 6, 5s, 5c, 5, 4s
When upgrading your iphone make sure that it is FACTORY UNLOCKED, if not FACTORY UNLOCKED atleast you have the original SIM that you can activate your PHONE, also make sure that it does not have an iCloud Account if you are not the owner or if the iPhone is only given to you. If the iCloud Account is enabled be that you have the account and password.
7.1.2 (4 GSM): iPhone3,1_7.1.2_11D257_Restore.ipsw
7.1.2 (4 8GB): iPhone3,2_7.1.2_11D257_Restore.ipsw
7.1.2 (4 CDMA): iPhone3,3_7.1.2_11D257_Restore.ipsw
8.0 (4S): iPhone4,1_8.0_12A365_Restore.ipsw
8.0 (5 GSM): iPhone5,1_8.0_12A365_Restore.ipsw
8.0 (5 GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,2_8.0_12A365_Restore.ipsw
8.0 (5c GSM): iPhone5,3_8.0_12A365_Restore.ipsw
8.0 (5c GSM+CDMA): iPhone5,4_8.0_12A365_Restore.ipsw
8.0 (5s GSM): iPhone6,1_8.0_12A365_Restore.ipsw
8.0 (5s GSM+CDMA): iPhone6,2_8.0_12A365_Restore.ipsw
8.0 (6 or 6+): iPhone7,1_8.0_12A366_Restore.ipsw
8.0 (6 or 6+): iPhone7,2_8.0_12A365_Restore.ipsw
Happy Upgrading ^_^